"To Be Commissioner - One Must Never Lose... 126 times"


  In recent years, important martial artist have come forward contacting us. They have informed us so many people have always known Slomanski’s true history in the martial arts.  As one Grand Master put it  (via phone call from another country),  “ It was suppressed and ignored because of country, him being Caucasian, and other people promoting their own things [styles, themselves and their versions] of what took place.” The astounding part is, it took all of these years of research along with documented proof we have shared to have expert martial artist who are in the know, come forward an gracefully admit it.  There are still a few great martial artist / Grand Masters left that we have made numerous efforts to contact, it’s been to  no avail.  They have not returned our communications to date.  They have a true story to tell. For some reason, history mentions it, they have talked about it in public events, however they will not get back to us for some reason.  If you can tell it publicly, why not share the rich history with us?  We have many questions of them in attempt to make our history factual. We want to maintain the integrity of Henry Slomanski, and to be accurate!

Thank you, to those of you who were nice enough around the globe to reach out to us. Those of you who stepped forward, telling the truth after all of these years are to be commended. You all deserve credit for doing this. We acknowledge the different conflicts of interest you have now in life with your own associations etc.  You have all given us more inspiration to continue on this journey of a great man and you have been most honorable.

Thank you, to those of you who were nice enough around the globe to reach out to us. Those of you who stepped forward, telling the truth after all of these years are to be commended. You all deserve credit for doing this. We acknowledge the different conflicts of interest you have now in life with your own associations etc.  You have all given us more inspiration to continue on this journey of a great man and you have been most honorable. 

” Slomanski spent thousands of hours learning the social graces: how to conduct himself at tea ceremonies, how to walk in a Japanese home without offending his host, how to arrange flowers, how to sit properly, the precise movements that go into brewing Japanese tea. ‘ I learned to make their tea,’ he laughs, ‘But I never learned to like it.’ ” April 1960

You can see in the photo below that Slomanski is holding the Japanese imperial household seal on the belt buckle given to him after he won in the matches. This seal was worn only by the Japanese Emperor, members of the Japanese diet, and other dignitaries.
(“He now ranked as a high public official-and one of the most influential Americans in Japan”)

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