Excerpts from the Articles:

“He also wears a tiny golden fist in his lapel; one of three in the world. It is the symbol of his mastery of karate. As commissioner of karate, his official clothes are a long black kimono and the red, white and black belt.  He wears it when he attends training sessions for the small, seven-man karate training group at Fort Campbell, KY… The seven are all that are left of hundreds of men who have requested karate training, only to quit when the going got rough.” That has been this styles history and it continues into the current day.

“For a week, he was wined and dined in the best Japanese tradition.  Every big hotel and restaurant in town wanted to throw a party. Wherever he went, people bowed. 
A few weeks later, he was awarded the black, red and white belt of a ninth degree karate man.  He also received the Gold Imperial Household Seal worn by the Emperor, members of the *Japanese Diet, and other dignitaries. 
Now, he ranked as a high public official-and one of the most influential Americans in Japan.  When American troops got into trouble with Japanese authorities, Slomanski could win their freedom. ” 
* Japanese Diet – Politicians

“Karate matches, in which points are scored for blows to the chest, to the head, to the lower part of the body; here, gouging of the eyes and kicks to the groin are permitted, and broken bones are common.”  As it has been told by a competitor in these matches an eyewitness, Master Melvin L. Sauer would often mention the numerous men who had an eye detached at the hands of the Commissioner. Removing vital internal organs may have been illegal, but eyes, testicles and other body parts were all fair game. Master Sauer often told accounts of watching the techniques that was employed throughout the matches of replacing a participants eye back into the socket when it was detached.

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